From the dessert capital, from 1955 to the present day ...

Göksensweetens your life by synthesizing the freshest products of the fertile soilswhich are produced through experience with state-of-the-art technology,international standards and hygiene.

Göksensynthesizes the most delicious foods of Anatolia with traditional dessertculture of Gaziantep. Having sweetened our lives with halva, jam, tahina andmolasses since 1955, Göksen is still putting the most delicious desserts of ourtradition from Gaziantep, the capital city of dessert, to Turkey and all overthe world. Since 1955, Göksen is a trustable brand and therefore it is proud ofits deserved successes.
Our company is proud of having a part in putting the traditional Turkishdesserts on the map since its products are marketed in 23 different countriesin Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia and America continents while its productsare offered to domestic markets through dealers network.

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